Contemporary Arab Affairs is the international quarterly journal of the Centre for Arab Unity Studies. It is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal that publishes high-quality and original research from and on the Arab region. Contemporary Arab Affairs seeks to publish work by specialists, policy experts, and scholars from the Arab world or those who have academic interest in the region. Drawing on the expertise of the Centre for Arab Unity Studies, a well-established publisher of research in Arabic, Contemporary Arab Affairs has the objective to publish and circulate authentic research and studies originally produced in Arabic by Arab researchers and intellectuals and make them available to a global international audience and with the aim of promoting constructive dialogue between Arabs and the West.
ISSN: 1755-0912 eISSN: 1755-0920
Published Quarterly – March, June, September, December
Editor-in-Chief: Ali E. Hillal Dessouki, Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Cairo University, Egypt
Editor: Youssef Sawani, Professor of Politics & International Relations, University of Tripoli, Libya

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